Eigentlich wird ja im Forum nach Vorschotern und Steuerleuten gesucht, aber für einen der engagiertesten und nettesten FD-Segler der Klasse machen wir hier eine Ausnahme. Wer im kommenden Jahr mal die ganz große Runde durch Europa drehen will, der sollte sich an Tony Lyall VP Developement der IFDCO wenden:
As the 2013 season draws to an end so possibly is Colin’s tenure at the front end of the ‘ship’. his current circumstances mean he is unsure if he can make the commitment any longer and so I find myself on a mission to find a new crew for next year. My plans include doing regattas in Germany, Holland, Spain & Italy in the build up to the 2014 World Championships at Largs in July & then just 6 months later off to Sydney for the 2015 World Championships. I’m looking for someone who has ‘bags’ of experience crewing a high performance trapeze dinghy preferably with a symmetrical spinnaker. Ideally they should be 180 – 195 cm tall and weigh something in the range 85 to 100kg.If you know of anyone who may be interested I would be grateful if you could pass on my contact details…. e-mail tonylyall@msn.com or call me on +0 44 (0)1707 321633